Sunday, June 8, 2008

I'm rich!

I was determined to get the garage cleaned out & I knew that my husband would be happy about that! So I pulled it all together & got it organized into a garage sale. I put out tons of signs & had a huge turn out. My daughter joined in & I think we made about $1500! Not bad for a clean garage & a couple of days work. Huh?!

I'm pooped, but happy that I did it. We donated everything left which was a lot!


Patty Young said...

Hey Renee!! WHOA! $1500!! Way to go! We just had a garage sale this past weekend and it totally SUCKED! It got rained out and at the end of the day I was wet, tired, cranky and only had about $160 to show for it. :( Oh well!

Thanks for your comment on my blog! So glad you are interested in the Blog Cooking Club. We'll see if we get a few more people and I'll get this thing going.

You need to get some newer posts in this blog, firl! ;)

Patty Young said...

ooops... that last word was supposed to be "girl" not "firl" LOL!!!